Discover the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics

Unwanted, excessive hair growth can be a significant concern, causing discomfort and embarrassment for individuals of all ages and genders. Traditional hair removal methods such as waxing, shaving, or plucking can often be time-consuming and painful and produce only short-lived results. For those seeking a more lasting, effective solution, laser hair removal is a game-changing alternative. At Laserase Medical, a leading skincare clinic in Belfast, we offer cutting-edge laser hair removal treatments designed to provide long-term hair reduction for smoother, more confident skin.

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment that targets the hair follicles using focused light energy. This energy is absorbed by the pigments within the follicles, thereby damaging the hair growth structures and preventing or significantly slowing down future hair growth. Our expert practitioners at Laserase Medical utilise the latest laser technology to deliver safe, precise, and efficient hair removal for various skin types and hair colours.

One of the key benefits of laser hair removal is its ability to target multiple hairs simultaneously, allowing for faster treatment times compared to traditional methods. Most clients will require multiple sessions to achieve the desired hair reduction, but many will see a significant reduction in hair growth and thickness after just a few treatments. With a personalised approach to laser hair removal, our skilled team at Laserase Medical will work closely with you to develop a tailored treatment plan designed to achieve your desired hair-free complexion.

The Science behind Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive treatment that targets the hair follicles using focused light energy. This energy is absorbed by the pigments within the follicles, thereby damaging the hair growth structures and preventing or significantly slowing down future hair growth. Our expert practitioners at Laserase Medical utilise the latest laser technology to deliver safe, precise, and efficient hair removal for various skin types and hair colours.

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

To comprehend how laser hair removal works so effectively, it's essential to understand the hair growth cycle. Human hair grows in the following three phases:

1. Anagen phase: The active growth stage, where hair cells rapidly divide and lengthen the hair shaft.

2. Catagen phase: The transitional stage marked by the end of hair growth and the hair follicle shrinkage.

3. Telogen phase: The resting stage, where hair growth ceases entirely, and the hair ultimately falls out.

During the anagen phase, the hair follicle is most sensitive to the laser's energy, making it the ideal time for treatment. Given that not all hair follicles are in the anagen phase simultaneously, multiple sessions are necessary to target and remove hair effectively.

Preparing for Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

To achieve the best possible results from your laser hair removal treatment, there are several steps to follow in preparation:

1. Avoid sun exposure: For at least two weeks prior to your treatment, minimise sun exposure to avoid tanning. Having a tan can increase the risk of side effects and reduce treatment success.

2. Shave the treatment area: One or two days before your appointment, carefully shave the area to be treated. This will help the laser's energy to focus on the hair follicles instead of the hair shaft, allowing for optimal results.

3. Cease alternative hair removal methods: In the weeks leading up to your treatment, avoid all other hair removal methods, such as waxing, plucking or using epilators, as these can disrupt the hair growth cycle and reduce the treatment's effectiveness.

4. Consult your practitioner: Discuss any medications, health conditions, or concerns you may have with your practitioner during the consultation. They will provide you with tailored advice based on your individual circumstances.

What to Expect During Your Session

At Laserase Medical, we strive to make your laser hair removal experience as comfortable as possible. During your session, you will be provided with protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the laser's light. Your skilled practitioner will then use a hand-held device to deliver focused light energy to the target area, often accompanied by a cooling mechanism to minimise discomfort. The treated area's size and level of sensitivity can impact treatment duration, which may range from just a few minutes to an hour or more.

Post-Treatment Care and Recovery

After completing your laser hair removal session, mild redness or swelling may occur, but this typically subsides within a few hours to a couple of days. Your practitioner will provide you with specific post-treatment care instructions tailored to your needs, and these may include the following:

1. Avoiding direct sun exposure: Keep the treated area protected from the sun for at least two weeks after your session to promote healing and minimise the risk of hyperpigmentation.

2. Using a gentle skincare routine: Refrain from using any harsh or exfoliating skincare products on the treated area for a few days post-treatment.

3. Applying a cool compress or aloe vera gel: If needed, soothe any minor discomfort with a cold compress or aloe vera gel to alleviate inflammation.

The Long-Term Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal not only saves you time and effort compared to traditional hair removal methods but also offers long-lasting results and a smoother appearance. Clients can enjoy a significant reduction in hair thickness and growth, leading to boosted self-confidence and an improved aesthetic.


Laserase Medical Aesthetics's premier skincare clinic offers effective and safe laser hair removal in Belfast. Our experienced practitioners, using state-of-the-art technology, provide personalised treatments tailored to your individual needs. Begin your journey towards a silky, hair-free complexion by booking a consultation at our clinic today!


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