Things to Remember before Having Lip Fillers

A full pair of lips is one thing most people want to achieve, especially when you are going for that appearance of youth and innocence. This stemmed from the influence of the media and various beauty trends that were going around. Pouting lips are one of the beauty trends continuing to gain popularity and will not lose lustre soon.

This is where lip fillers come into the picture.

What Are Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are injectable dermal fillers used to improve the appearance of the lips. Doctors can also use it to correct deformities and other facial irregularities.

It usually takes around ten minutes to an hour to complete the procedure. However, this will depend on the number of areas to be treated. It is done by using a fine needle under a vacuum to inject the substance into the skin.

However, before you go to the nearest skincare clinic and ask for lip fillers, here are some things you need to know. After all, it's better to know what to expect and what not to before going for the procedure.

1. The Doctor’s Medical Qualification

Remember, lip fillers are supposed to be done by professionals. That's why you need to look for a good physician who has been doing it for some time. You don't want to look funny due to the doctor's lack of skills.

It is essential to see the doctor's credentials to ensure they are adequately trained and have the experience to do it. They must also be certified by the General Medical Council and be willing to answer all your questions and concerns and explain everything you need to know.

2. Types of Lip Fillers

If you don't know, there's a wide range of lip fillers. Some are temporary, while others are semi-permanent.

The most common lip filler material is hyaluronic acid because of its ability to plump up the facial skin and naturally add volume to lips. However, some physicians still use other materials to achieve a more desirable and realistic result. These include:

  • Collagen

  • Sodium hyaluronate

  • Polyacrylamide

  • Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

3. What to Expect

Knowing what to expect from the procedure is essential, especially if it's your first time. You must understand that it may be a little painful but not necessarily unbearable. You will also feel a minor discomfort in your lips as the filler material settles into your lips.

Common side effects of lip fillers are:

  • Itching

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Bruising

  • Scabbing

Depending on the individual, some of these may last up to several days after the procedure. Moreover, the doctor must explain everything to you before the procedure. This way, you will fully understand what to expect.

4. The Time for the Effects to Settle

The results will not be immediate. It typically takes at least one to two weeks to see the full effects of the procedure. This will depend on how the skin and lips react to the injectable substance. The more you visit the doctor, the better the results will be.

The Bottom Line

Lip fillers are a famous way to achieve full and luscious lips. Remember to consult a licensed professional for this procedure to avoid complications or risks.

Laserase Medical Aesthetics is a licensed skin care clinic specialising in numerous services, such as dermal fillers for lips in Belfast. Book a consultation today!


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