Visible Veins: What Are They and What Causes Them?

Veins are the pathways through which our bodies circulate blood, yet many of us have, at one time or another, noticed our veins pop up under our skin, especially on our hands, wrists, feet, and ankles. 

You may worry that something is seriously wrong with you when you see prominent veins under the skin. However, this is often not the case. 

What Are Visible Veins? 

Visible veins are typically visible blood vessels on the skin's surface. They may look like a spider web or appear as raised or bulging blue or purple lines visible beneath the top layer of skin. They can be located anywhere on the body, including the arms, legs, face, and even hands.

In this article, we'll explain what causes visible veins, when to be concerned, and what you can do about them.

Understanding the Common Causes of Visible Veins

Having visible veins is fairly common, and there are a few explanations for why this happens. Let's take a look at each causes individually to gain a better understanding of why visible veins may appear. 

  • Genetics

Genetics plays a major role in how our bodies look. For example, you may have inherited visible veins from your parents or grandparents. This can create a genetic predisposition for visible veins, which may explain why some people have them, and others don't. 

  • Lifestyle

Our daily lifestyle habits can also contribute to visible veins. Individuals who lead an inactive lifestyle may be more prone to developing visible veins due to a lack of exercise and muscular contraction. Additionally, people who wear tight clothing may experience a decrease in circulation, which can lead to vein visibility in some areas. 

  • Environment

Our environment can also affect our bodies and how our veins look. For example, spending too much time in direct sunlight can damage the skin and make the veins more visible. Additionally, air pollution can contribute to a higher level of toxins in the blood, causing some veins to show through your skin. 

  • Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions may increase the chances of visible veins. Those with varicose veins may experience a gradual increase in visibility over time. Additionally, chronic medical conditions such as obesity may increase the risk of visible veins due to improper functioning of the body's venous system. 

  • Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes in women can also cause prominent veins. Estrogen helps maintain the vascular walls, so when it drops, the walls of the veins may become weaker. This factor leads to visible veins. 

  • Age

Age can also affect the appearance of veins. As people age, the skin becomes thinner and weaker, making the veins more visible. 

  • Medications

Certain medications can also make visible veins more prominent. Certain blood pressure medications can cause the veins to expand, especially in areas such as the legs and arms. 

  • Dehydration

When you don't drink enough, the veins don't get enough fluid, so they may become prominent and visible. 


There are a variety of factors that can lead to visible veins. If you find yours bothersome, the best thing you can do is talk to a doctor. If it's not caused by a serious condition, many treatments are available to lessen or entirely remove its appearance. 

Thread vein removal is one of the most famous remedies for visible veins. And if you want to have one, then you should come to the experts. Laserase Medical Aesthetics is the leading skincare clinic for vein removal in Belfast. We will help you enhance your natural beauty with our treatments. Book a consultation today!


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