Embrace Freedom and Fresh Starts with Laser Tattoo Removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics

Tattoos are a beautiful form of self-expression, and for many, they signify various life events, memories or artistic appreciation. However, as life progresses, what was once considered a cherished symbol or design can become a cause for regret or discomfort. For those looking to move on from their past choices, laser tattoo removal offers an effective and safe solution to turn back time and reclaim their skin. Laserase Medical Aesthetics is Belfast's leading skincare clinic providing advanced laser tattoo removal treatments for clients seeking freedom from their unwanted ink.

Using cutting-edge Q-switched laser technology, our experienced team at Laserase Medical Aesthetics is committed to delivering exceptional results, helping clients feel confident and liberated from their unwanted tattoos. Whether you have outgrown your tattoo's meaning, desire to remove an ex-partner's name, or want to make space for a new design, laser tattoo removal can provide a clean canvas for you to embrace your future with renewed confidence.

Laserase Medical Aesthetics's skilled practitioners will guide you through the tattoo removal process, from consultation to aftercare, ensuring you receive personalised treatments based on your unique tattoo and skin type. Our commitment to quality care and ongoing support means that clients can trust our expertise and state-of-the-art laser technology to achieve optimal results. Start your journey towards tattoo-free skin and embrace new beginnings with laser tattoo removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics.

Types of Lasers Used in Tattoo Removal

At Laserase Medical Aesthetics, we choose the most effective laser technology to ensure optimal results for our clients. Q-switched lasers are the gold standard in tattoo removal treatments, delivering rapid, high-energy pulses of light to break down tattoo ink particles in the skin. These lasers can treat a wide range of tattoo ink colours and are safe to use on most skin types.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

The number of treatments required to achieve optimal results varies for each individual, depending on factors such as the size, colour, and location of the tattoo, as well as the client's skin type and immune system response. On average, a series of 6 to 10 sessions may be necessary, typically spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart. Our expert practitioners will assess your tattoo during an initial consultation and provide you with a personalised treatment plan outlining the expected number of sessions needed for your unique case.

Preparation and Aftercare

To ensure success and minimise any potential risks, it's essential to prepare for your laser tattoo removal sessions and follow the recommended aftercare guidelines provided by our practitioners. Some tips include:

Avoid sun exposure: Protect your tattoo from sun exposure for at least four weeks before and after your treatment, as sunburn or suntan may increase the risk of complications.

Keep the area clean: Ensure the treated area is clean and dry for a few days following each session, avoiding baths, swimming pools, or hot tubs.

Apply recommended creams: Use any post-treatment creams, lotions or ointments provided by your practitioner as instructed to aid the healing process.

Avoid scratching or picking: Do not scratch, pick or irritate the treated area during the healing process, as this may delay healing or cause scarring.

The Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics

Freedom from Unwanted Ink: Laser tattoo removal grants you the opportunity to move on from tattoos that no longer hold meaning or have become a source of regret.

Expert Care: Our skilled practitioners have extensive experience in laser tattoo removal, providing clients with the highest quality care and exceptional results.

Customised Treatment: We create personalised treatment plans, tailored to each client's specific needs, ensuring the most effective outcome for their individual situation.

Advanced Technology: Laserase Medical Aesthetics uses state-of-the-art Q-switched laser technology, delivering superior results while minimising risks and side-effects.

Improved Confidence: By removing unwanted tattoos, clients can regain their confidence and embrace their skin as a blank canvas for new beginnings.


Laser tattoo removal at Laserase Medical Aesthetics provides an opportunity to rewrite your story and embrace new beginnings with confidence. Our expert team, advanced technology, and individualised approach ensure optimal results for our clients, helping them regain control of their appearance and live without the burden of unwanted tattoos. Take the first step towards a fresh start and enjoy the freedom that comes with tattoo-free skin at Laserase Medical Aesthetics, Belfast's leading skincare clinic.


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