IPL Photorejuvenation Treatments at Laserase Medical Aesthetics

At Laserase Medical, the leading skincare clinic in Belfast, we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve healthy, radiant, and younger-looking skin. With our expertise in advanced skincare treatments such as Laser tattoo removal, Anti-wrinkle Injections, Laser hair removal, Acne treatment, thread vein removal, and more, we continuously strive to provide our valued clients with the most effective and innovative modalities available today. In this blog, we are excited to present one of our most popular and time-tested treatments, known as IPL Photorejuvenation – an unparalleled solution for a wide range of skin concerns.

IPL Photorejuvenation, or Intense Pulsed Light therapy, is a non-invasive skin treatment that harnesses the power of broad-spectrum light to help reverse the visible signs of ageing and sun damage. This advanced and versatile treatment method targets various skin imperfections such as pigmentation, age spots, acne scarring, broken capillaries, sun-induced freckles, fine lines and wrinkles, and uneven tone or texture. It addresses these issues by stimulating the skin's natural healing process and promoting the production of collagen and elastin – the essential proteins responsible for youthful, firm, and healthy skin.

In this comprehensive and detailed blog article, we will carefully guide you through the IPL Photorejuvenation process, explaining the science behind this remarkable treatment and how it can greatly transform your appearance. Furthermore, we will delve into the numerous benefits you can expect from IPL Photorejuvenation, illuminating the promising results achieved by countless clients visiting Laserase Medical. Our goal is to provide our readers with factual, informative, and engaging content, ensuring an exceptional user experience while helping you make the most informed decisions about your skincare options.

At Laserase Medical, we pride ourselves on offering only the highest standard of care, treatment and support to our clients. Our skilled and dedicated team of professionals, led by Dr. Donal McKeown, is committed to ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout your entire skincare journey. As we explore the remarkable and transformative IPL Photorejuvenation treatment offered at our clinic, you can trust that Laserase Medical is your ideal partner in the pursuit of flawless and youthful skin.

The Science Behind IPL Photorejuvenation

IPL Photorejuvenation is an advanced skincare technology that utilises broad-spectrum light beams to address various skin imperfections. The Intense Pulsed Light emitted from the device penetrates deep into the skin layers, targeting specific chromophores (light-absorbing molecules) in the skin, such as melanin (responsible for pigmentation) and haemoglobin (found in red blood cells). By selectively targeting and breaking down these chromophores, IPL Photorejuvenation effectively treats pigmentation issues, broken capillaries, redness, and more.

Additionally, the light energy from the IPL device stimulates the production of collagen and elastin – the key proteins that maintain the skin's structural integrity. This natural regenerative process revitalises the skin, enhances its texture and elasticity, and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for an overall more youthful complexion.

IPL Photorejuvenation Treatment Process and Experience

The IPL Photorejuvenation process at Laserase Medical is designed with your comfort, safety, and satisfaction in mind. Here's what you can expect during your treatment:

1. Consultation: Before proceeding with the treatment, our experienced practitioners will conduct a thorough skin assessment to determine if IPL Photorejuvenation is the most suitable solution for your skincare concerns and to discuss your desired outcomes.

2. Preparation: To ensure your comfort during the procedure, our practitioner may apply a cooling gel to the target area. Protective eyewear will also be provided to safeguard your eyes from bright flashes of light.

3. Treatment: Utilising a handheld IPL device, our skilled practitioner will deliver controlled pulses of light to the specific treatment area. Clients may experience a mild stinging or warming sensation akin to a rubber band snap, but the procedure is generally well-tolerated. Treatment time can vary, typically ranging between 30-60 minutes, depending on the size and location of the area being treated.

4. Aftercare: Post-treatment, your skin may appear slightly red and swollen, which usually subsides within a few hours. Our practitioners will provide personalised aftercare instructions to help maintain and optimise your IPL Photorejuvenation results.

The Many Benefits of IPL Photorejuvenation

As a versatile and multi-faceted treatment, IPL Photorejuvenation offers an array of benefits, including:

1. Skin Tone Correction: The IPL treatment effectively targets sunspots, freckles, and other forms of pigmentation, resulting in a more even and balanced skin tone.

2. Reduction of Redness and Broken Capillaries: By targeting haemoglobin, IPL Photorejuvenation diminishes the appearance of broken capillaries, rosacea, and other forms of skin redness, revealing a clearer and brighter complexion.

3. Improved Skin Texture: By stimulating collagen and elastin production, IPL Photorejuvenation provides a natural lift and firmness to the skin, diminishing the appearance of pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.

4. Acne and Scarring Treatment: The light energy from IPL devices can kill acne-causing bacteria and promote skin healing, thereby reducing active breakouts and minimising the appearance of acne scarring.

IPL Photorejuvenation – A Long-Term Solution for Healthy, Radiant Skin

IPL Photorejuvenation can yield visible improvements in skin appearance after just one treatment session. However, for best results, a series of treatments is often recommended. Most clients experience a significant difference after 3-6 sessions, spaced approximately 4 weeks apart, depending on individual skin conditions and goals.

To maintain your IPL Photorejuvenation results, regular treatments may be recommended. Our skilled practitioners at Laserase Medical will provide professional guidance to develop a tailored treatment plan that best suits your skincare needs.


IPL Photorejuvenation, available at Laserase Medical Aesthetics, is undeniably a versatile and effective solution for numerous skin concerns. As an advanced and non-invasive treatment, it offers a convenient and accessible option to revitalise and refresh skin appearance for clients of all ages. Our highly skilled practitioners are committed to achieving your desired outcomes, ensuring your comfort throughout the entire IPL Photorejuvenation process.

If you are interested in revitalising your skin through IPL Photorejuvenation or seeking advice on the best skincare procedures for you, contact Laserase Medical today. Our dedicated team of professionals is ready to assess your needs and work with you to achieve radiant and youthful skin you've always dreamt of. So, contact our skin clinic today and get the services you need to look your best!


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