Laser Tattoo Removal

Having a tattoo may seem like a good idea at the time, but many people bitterly regret the decision in later life.

There have been many methods available for removing tattoos in the past, for example surgical excision, skin grafting and dermabrasion, but all have major drawbacks, of which scarring is the most serious. However using laser technology developed by scientists and doctors and tested in extensive clinical trials, laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective form of removal.  We now have a laser which is  the most effective at removing all colours of tattoo ink, in the fastest time.

What is a Pico laser?

At Laserase we have a Picoway laser, that fires pulses of light in pico seconds (trillionths of seconds), which breaks the tattoo ink into tiny fragments, the bodies own immune system removes this ink gradually.  Picosecond laser technology removes tattoo ink faster than the older Q switched laser technology.  The Pico way laser has 3 different wavelengths of light, 1064nm, 532 nm and 730nm, meaning that it can effectively treat tattoos of all colours.  We at Laserase Belfast have successfully removed thousands of tattoos in our thirty years in business.

How does it work?

Tattoos are made up of clumps of pigment scattered through the dermis, or lower layer of skin. Unable to cast out the larger particles of pigment, the body simply seals them off with a protective collagen wall to isolate them from the surrounding tissue. The NdYag laser works by breaking up the collagen capsules and dispersing the pigment into smaller fragments. Following treatment, the body's natural defence mechanisms can then take over to remove the smaller particles gradually, over a number of weeks. Unlike past attempts at tattoo removal, the Picosecond NDYag laser does not cause rupturing, burning or lasting damage to the skin, consequently negligible risk of scarring as the tattoo fades away.

How many treatments are needed?

The number of sessions required to remove a tattoo depends upon a number of factors including size, colour and type. This would be assessed during an initial consultation and examination at the medical centre, where treatment would be planned and the cost determined. At each treatment the specialist traces over the tattoo with a laser. An initial 'whitening' above the pigment is the first sign of a good treatment reaction. This fades slowly over a few days as the pigment colour begins to reappear but lighter than before. Treatments are normally spaced at eight to twelve week intervals to allow the body to remove as much pigment as possible and the tattoo continues to fade over the course of the several treatments. If you are looking for the best tattoo removal Northern Ireland has to offer then you have found it at Laserase Medical Aesthetics.

Will the treatment remove all colours?

With three different wavelengths of light the Picoway Laser can effectively remove ink of all colours (except white). We have been removing tattoos since 1993 at our clinic. We are very experienced at what we do and our success rate is high.

We use an air cooler during the treatment to reduce the pain. For smaller tattoos we can use local anaesthetic injections to numb the treatment area.

    • Reddening of skin

    • Changes in skin pigment

    • Pain (Local anaesthetic can be used)

    • Blistering

    • Infection

    • Scarring/thickening of skin - very rare

    • Avoid direct sunlight on the treatment area for 4 weeks prior to treatment, and for the duration of the course

    • Optional application of local anaesthetic cream one hour before treatment (we have a cooling system which we use during treatment, which reduces pain)

  • Consultation (Including patch test & redeemable off first treatment): £30

    X-Small(1-3cm)  : £65 per treatment

    Small  (4-8cm)    : £110 per treatment

    Medium (9-15cm) : £165 per treatment

    Large (16-20cm)      : £210 per treatment

    Extra Large (20cm+) : From £275 per treatment

    £20 additional charge for local anaesthetic injections

    Eyebrow tattoos : £110 per treatment

    Treatments given at 12 week intervals (8 week intervals for semi-permanent tattoos)

Book your consulation.

028 9077 7772

525 Antrim Road
Belfast , Northern Ireland
BT15 3BS


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